
Best creative & modern agency

Reedfish bonefish trahira bristlenose catfish, longnose lancetfish morid. Wahoo mora deep sea smelt cat shark atlantic

Pink salmon cherry salmon combtail gourami frigate mackerel snake mackerel upside-down catfish finback cat shark. Reedfish bonefish trahira bristlenose catfish, longnose lancetfish morid. Wahoo mora deep sea smelt cat shark.

user flow

Group 4

Accounts can be split and categorized as needed, allowing for detailed and specific financial reporting. 

In the “Review Data” stage, select accounts and make necessary adjustments. You need at least two selections to proceed, and you can turn on or off different chapters of the report. Chapters are divided into two main types: tables and editors. Users can hide or modify certain rows, change subtitles, and more. You can make a data entry for two tables using split page. Users can manually enter data in certain sections.

Step 1: Sign Up and Team Management

Begin by entering your name, email, and password to sign up. You will be assigned to a specific team within the app. Each team has access to its unique set of reports, with privacy features ensuring reports are not visible to other teams. If you are an admin, you have the ability to create new users, delete accounts, or block users as needed. The app enhances security by automatically setting up two-factor authentication. You’ll receive a code on your phone that is required for access.


Step 2: Report Creation

To create reports, start by selecting a company and task from a list. Choose the type of report and the currency you prefer. The report will then be automatically generated with appropriate rounding. Import data from an Excel file typically used by accountants. The app checks this Excel file for accuracy and highlights any inconsistencies. Once the data is validated, it is added to your report.

Group 5
Group 6

Step 3: Data Organization & Review

The app displays balance and account information on one side, while allowing you to categorize financial statements on the other. It handles large amounts of data that need to be calculated and validated, enabling you to map accounts to different categories for accurate reporting. 

Customize various parts of the report, such as categorizing and tagging accounts. The report structure is saved in a tree format for ease of navigation.

Accounts can be split and categorized as needed, allowing for detailed and specific financial reporting. 

In the “Review Data” stage, select accounts and make necessary adjustments. You need at least two selections to proceed, and you can turn on or off different chapters of the report. Chapters are divided into two main types: tables and editors. Users can hide or modify certain rows, change subtitles, and more. You can make a data entry for two tables using split page. Users can manually enter data in certain sections.


Step 4: Editing and Finalizing Reports

The report editor is a crucial feature, enabling you to work with text and create custom tables. Integrating and handling complex processes with the editor, especially for custom tables requested by the client, posed a significant challenge. The editor provides customization and various table-type options. Users can write custom text and create specialized tables for reports using templates, with detailed options for incorporating data into tables and special validation of variables. Split and categorize accounts for detailed reporting. Finalize the report by focusing on specific needs.

Group 8 (1)
Group 3

Step 5: Exporting and Reviewing

Review and export the report in PDF format. Utilize the validation button to check for any mistakes and see failed validations within the report. After correcting any errors, download and open the report to review the final output.

Results of the project

Effortless Data Management

Admins control user management with automatic two-factor authentication for added security.

Automated Report Creation

The app seamlessly generates and integrates Excel data for efficient report creation.

Intuitive Data Organization

Enjoy a user-friendly tree structure to organize financial statements with ease.

Powerful Editing

Utilize a crucial report editor to handle complex processes, create custom tables, and finalize detailed financial reports with split and categorized accounts.

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